

Average rating: 4.8 (33)
Next Day Delivery peut être disponible! Order must be received before 12pm Mon - Fri
prix en détail$251.01
prix de vente$188.26

Product Contains

14 x Tatami Tapis Sticks grand bois
9 x Tatami Tapis Sticks petit bois
3 x Tulipes
2 x Pokers
2 x Araignée Grand Orchid
1 x Spider Orchid court
2 x Feuille Cordyline
1 x Berliza Berry
2 oeillets de hauteur x
1 x boîte

Product Reviews:

I wanted to surprise my boyfriend with something nice, because we are currently on opposite sides of the world. Z Flowers was perfect- delivery was in a box so as not to crush the flowers, it was delivered to the front desk of his hotel, and the arrangement was absolutely gorgeous. I added a teddy bear to the order and he said it is one of the softest plush animals he's ever felt. I am very happy with my experience ordering from Z Flowers.
15 Jan 2022
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